Every day we go to work, and we rely on the equipment around us to do our jobs safely. But sometimes, that equipment can be dangerous, especially if we don’t know how to use it properly. This talk is about one particular type of danger: pinch points.
Posts by safetytalkerco
39 posts
This safety talk about laydown yards explains why it’s vital to keep them organized and the hazards of not doing so.
This hand tool inspections safety talk explains why looking after your tools is one of the most important things to do at work.
This safety talk on the types of fire extinguishers will help your employees feel more confident about fighting fires.
This weed whacker safety talk teaches employees all they need to know to stay safe when strimming lawns during their working day.
This hand safety toolbox talk will help you refresh your team’s knowledge about how to prevent hand injuries.
This unsafe conditions safety talk explains the hazards and regulations all of your employees should be aware of
Hydration on site is essential for the health of workers. This safety talk explains how to keep hydrated and why it is important.
There are a few general industry safety rules that everyone should be aware of. These rules are in place to keep you safe while you’re on the job.